The 2024/2025 Committee
Alex Montefiore

Joint Master
Mark Sullivan

Joint Master
Carl Ngamoki-Cameron

Hash Ca$h
Agent Robert

Aurelien Lagrange

Kiwi Kevin

Rafael Meier

Jock Auld

William Kruis

Benny Hagberg

Cultural Attache
Anthony Sandeen

Cultural Attache
Stein Olson

Committee responsibilities
Grandmaster (GM)
God. All powerful. Responsible for everything. The buck stops here.
Joint Masters (JM)
Demi God. But only when the GM is absent and the JM steps up to the plate. Other than that is responsible for anything the GM delegates to him.
Cultural Attache(s)
Experienced hashman and Far East traveller (usually an ExGM). Responsible for:
All arrangements for the annual hashaway
Hash Ca$h
Hash Quids. A grown up job. Responsible for all things financial, including:
Overseeing an orderly handover of cheque signatories with HSBC
Ensuring that monthly subs are paid
Ensuring guest fees are collected
Ensuring bus fees are collected
Ensuring Carlsberg/Bus/other invoices are paid
Planning ahead for H4 financial commitments such as AGM/special events/committee runs
Providing a concise financial report for inclusion in the AGM Mag
Chronicler of runs. Writer of deathless prose. Handy with a phone camera a plus. Responsible for:
Writing and issuing the weekly newsletter asap after the Monday run
Keeping the H4 newsletter distribution up to date
Liaising with the Trailmaster over details of next week’s run for inclusion in the newsletter
Online Guru. H4’s answer to Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Responsible for:
Maintaining and updating the H4 Website weekly
Maintaining and updating the H4 FB Page weekly
Uploading Hash Photos to the H4 Website
Maintaining and updating the Archive section of the Website
All matters IT
TrailMaster (TM)
Hawkeye. Seeker of virgin trail. Without him none of this works. Responsible for:
First and foremost ensuring there is a hare for each week of the hash year
Pairing newbie hares with experienced trail setters
Adhering to guidance from GM as to favoured run locations
Maintaining and updating the “Hareline” spreadsheet
Liaising with scribe and HashIT to advise on forthcoming runs/locations
Issuing weekly reminder email of next week’s run details
Hashhorn – “The Horn”
Hash blow job. Responsibilities include:
Remembering to bring the horn to the run
Blowing the horn to call other runners on